Red-Shouldered Hawk

Sometimes Everybirdy is Skittish

March 11, 2023 - ...A nearby Red-shouldered Hawk makes everybirdy in the backyard skittish. Orange-crowned Warbler and Ruby-throated Hummingbird nectar anyway Read more

Red-Shouldered Hawk

My Lifer Whooping Crane

February 2, 2015 - My favorite shot of the day was a Red-Shouldered Hawk that was perched on a dead snag some way away from the road.... Read more

A Foggy Morning Turns Cute at the Circle B Bar Reserve

March 29, 2012 - But before the cuteness came fog...lots of fog.  Dyeyo and I walked up the Marsh Rabbit Run trail, and the fog settled in thicker and thicker.  I could hear the eagles at their nest, but I couldn't see them well.  I guess this Red-Shouldered Hawk figured that the fog hid…... Read more

First of Season Warblers at CBBR!

August 19, 2011 - The "golden light" of sunrise lasted for about ten minutes, until the sun went behind a cloud.  During that ten minutes, I noticed a pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks high in the treetops.  One was beautifully illuminated by the sun.  I got exactly two shots of him before he flew off,…... Read more

The Eagle has Landed at CBBR

July 31, 2011 - A Red-Shouldered Hawk stood high in a treetop as we started down the Heron Hideout trail.  He acted as if he hadn't seen people in a long time!  I was lucky enough to be focused on him when he flew...... Read more

Summer Heat Begins at the Circle B Bar Reserve

May 22, 2011 - ...It was hot this morning!  We arrived at the Circle B Bar Reserve at 7:00 and hiked the Alligator Alley trail loop.  This Great Blue Heron was trying to cool himself with the funky wing position – he wasn’t the only one who was hot! We checked on the Great Crested Flycatcher nest by the […] Read more

More Baby Birds at the Circle B Bar Reserve

April 30, 2011 - Black-Crowned Night Heron We took the Eagle Roost trail around to the Wading Bird Way trail, hoping to find some Bobolinks.  Herman told us that we have about a three-week window starting at the beginning of May when we may find these migrating birds.  Dyeyo has pictures from last year,…... Read more

In Search of Babies at Circle B Bar Reserve

April 10, 2011 - Eastern Meadowlark Singing Eastern Meadowlark Fly Off A pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks posed together on a dead tree.  I'm not sure I've ever had this productive of a walk around the Eagle Roost!  The only thing missing was a Northern Bobwhite sighting.  Those birds are tormenting Dyeyo with their…... Read more

The Newest Celebrity at the Circle B Bar Reserve

April 2, 2011 - Juvenile Barred Owl There is a Red-Shouldered Hawk nest in a tree very close to the Barred Owl nest.  So there were some good hawk fly-by opportunities as we stood watching the owl.  I dialed in a couple of stops of exposure compensation and shot.  This one was my favorite:…... Read more

Foggy but Interesting Morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve

March 27, 2011 - Barred Owlet and Adult By this time it was 11:30, and our stomachs were rumbling.  Reluctantly we headed back to Heron Hideout to check for the Sandhill Crane colts on our way out.  There we sooo many people on the trails at this time, and I was kind of glad…... Read more

The Bird Paparazzi Grows at Circle B Bar Reserve

January 22, 2011 - Snowy Egret All over the marshes, the Red-Shouldered Hawks are starting to build their nests.... Red-Shouldered Hawk building nest We reached the Heron Hideout and Marsh Rabbit Run intersection around 9:00 or so, and we were astounded at the number of people on the trails.... An Audubon group was lined…... Read more

Red-Shouldered Hawk

Diving Hoodies at Viera Wetlands

December 28, 2010 - Green-Winged Teal Red-Shouldered Hawks made their presence known all over the wetlands.  This one did us the favor of landed on a post right near the car.  The post was far enough in front of the background vegetation that the background blurred nicely.... Red-Shouldered Hawk Several small groups of Lesser…... Read more

Red-Shouldered Hawk

Sunny Morning at the Circle B Bar Reserve

December 10, 2010 - Species list: Anhinga, American Coot, American Goldfinch, Belted Kingfisher, Black-Bellied Whistling Duck, Black Vulture, Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, Blue-Winged Teal, Boat-Tailed Grackle, Common Moorhen, Double-Crested Cormorant, Eastern Phoebe, Glossy Ibis, Gray Catbird, Great Blue Heron, Greater Yellowlegs, House Wren, Killdeer, Least Sandpiper, Lesser Yellowlegs, Lesser Scaup, Limpkin, Little Blue Heron, Mottled Duck,Northern…... Read more

Still Plenty of Birds at Circle B Bar Reserve

May 16, 2010 - When we first arrived, we saw this Red-Shouldered Hawk sitting up in a tree on the Heron Hideout.... Red-Shouldered Hawk Dyeyo's Sand Hill Crane family met us on Heron Hideout, and we had fun taking pictures of the baby that he's been visiting since it hatched about eight weeks ago.... Read more

Red-Shouldered Hawk

Bird-watching at Oakland Nature Preserve

January 13, 2008 - Birds Seen Today - Painted Bunting, Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Yellow-Rumped Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Pine Warbler, Palm Warbler, Black and White Warbler, American Kestrel, Red-Shouldered Hawk, Gray Catbird, Downy Woodpecker, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Eastern Pheobe, Osprey, Blue Jay, Cardinal, Red-Wing Blackbird Red-Shouldered Hawk Great Blue Heron Yellow-Rumped Warbler Yellow-Throated Warbler Downy…... Read more